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Posts : 173
Join date : 2020-12-02


Thu Dec 03, 2020 12:25 am
Ladies and gentlemen…

It has been nearly a quarter of a century since the fathers of this country solidified us as a new nation, with the idea of freedom for all and equality throughout.

Now, in the midst of a civil war stretching far beyond our borders, we are being tested as nation, and as individuals within our nation, to see how long we can endure. For there is no doubt in my mind about it: though the gods of all the religions known to man have ceased to live, and the war between them ceased just the same, we are still in the middle of a different kind of war. And as the war rages on, though we reside on land that is far from where those previous battles took place, those who died live on as though they were underfoot.

Their deaths should not be in vain. Their legacy should not be the end of functioning society as we know it. They should be remembered by building a new world. A BETTER world, for all, finally realising the equality we founded this nation on.

I was not there when the Tap Room fell, and so I cannot wax lyrical with dedications and consecrations, no. But their actions consecrated the earth of this nation long before I took to this podium today, and who are we to decide their sacrifice meant nothing? I am but one man, and the world will likely ignore what I say here today, but if there is one thing I must impress, it is that we must REMEMBER THEM.

We must remember the blood, sweat and tears poured into trying to save us all from an eternal battle. And though Death was the victor in more ways than one, that mustn’t mean that we who remain are all losers. We should ensure they live vicariously through us, in the work we do to rebuild the world in a new, exciting vision. For these honoured men and women we must resolve that they did not give everything for nothing.

This nation, under NO GOD, must have a new birth of FREEDOM. Government of the people, by the people and for the people can not be allowed to have died with them. And that is why I stand before you today. I am determined and focused on one thing. I pay homage to the greats that came before me, but rectify the mistakes that plagued our nation for far too long.

That is why of everyone you will hear from tonight, I am the only candidate. Only I can see the vision of the new Slaughterhouse, the new Hell’s Kitchen and the new America. Lend me your vote, and trust in me. I only want the best for us all. And though my peers may have good intentions, they are not the right intentions, which can only mean one thing:

They must all be lambs to the metaphorical slaughter, and I the lone RAM, ready to tackle the new world HEAD ON.

Thank you, goodnight, and LIFE bless you all!
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