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Posts : 173
Join date : 2020-12-02


Thu Dec 03, 2020 12:30 am
Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you a story.

When I was young, and trying my hardest to get into politics as a profession, I was warned that I should give up. I was told that politicians were all liars, cheats and cons, only out to serve themselves.

I’ve spent a large chunk of my life proving those doubters that this is not true, that a politician does exist who has everyone’s best interests at heart. The problem is that what is best for everyone is not always immediately obvious. People can’t see the wood for the trees, and they flap around like headless chickens, shouting bloody murder because I did something they think is a little odd at Red Snow.

Believe me, people of Miami – no! People of the WORLD. Imperium is your best shot at the best version of this world. We have the money, the means and the power to make things happen that no other collective could ever dream of.

For some, this is not enough. They now call ME a liar, a cheat, and a con. They tell me that they can’t trust a word that comes out of my mouth and that the whole thing is a work of fiction.

Yes, they say my words may as well belong in a storybook, for all the truth they contain.

And then those same people come along to the OSW shows and cheer until their hearts are content, for the likes of my opponents this week.

There is a deliciousness to the irony. This is exactly why Imperium must take things into our own hands – you can’t trust the general population, because they treat me like the devil for showing some guts to make the world better for them, and call me a work of fiction, but they are more than happy to let Aesop roam the world – a murderer who speaks in fables. A killer who tells moral stories. How quaint!

The people of the world, they are more than happy to enjoy the ramblings of Banzan, a man so deep in moral proverbs and tales that I am sure he falls asleep when he tells people he’s meditating.

And they’re more than happy to be thrilled by a Marvolo II, a fat wannabe superhero.

Between a fable, a proverb and a comic book – which of those, pray tell, is less fictional than my truth?

The true answer is none. And the true reason that this is all swept under the rug is that I drop my truths like bombs and when people get caught in the blast radius they can’t cope.

So you can vote for Aesop, Banzan and Marvolo II with your hard earned money this week, if you like. Buy their merchandise. Take a sign to the show. But just know this: we don’t need your money, and we’ll win the real vote in the long run anyway.

Try to escape it all you like, but eventually you’ll understand…

…the only vote that counts is a vote for Imperium.
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