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Posts : 173
Join date : 2020-12-02


Thu Dec 03, 2020 12:39 am
People of this great nation, let me speak to you directly and clearly.

You may think you are important in this world, but the fact is that you are just pawns in one giant chess game orchestrated by the one-percent. Those people who pretend to be serving your best interests are the financial elite, and the financial elite continue ruling with abandon, and without consequence.

This lack of consequence causes them to grow complacent. Their ego swells as their bank account does the same.

Well, I say no longer.

As a society today, we have a greater power than any generation before us. We live in a golden age of information and communication. Our knowledge does not begin and end with a corrupt media bending to the will of the same elite and spewing their propaganda. No, this generation can think for themselves. I have seen it spark in you, but for too long I have been weak.

We all have.

We have been puppets, dancing at the end of the strings hanging from the fingers of those who have the money and the power. We have danced to the beat of their drum for too long, but now it is time to make our own music.

I am calling to you all to cast aside your former loyalties to your opulent masters and join me in a new era of freedom. We can be the new movement, where your value to society is based on what you bring to the table with ideas, innovation, community care and strength of character. Where those who just scrape by grow fewer by the month as we share equally in the common paradise we will build. We can be the first free generation in this country, if only we take off the shackles that bind us.

I know what you think. I am one of them, leading you to your dooms. I am not. I am one of you.

My strings have been pulled for far too long by the fingers of BEG. I cannot do what he wants me to do any more. Not with the world as it is. This week I take a pair of scissors and I CUT THE STRINGS that have bound me to his purpose and his mission for too long. I do this so you can see that I am worth following.

So follow me, and cut your own strings. Stop falling in line with what the money men want. Let’s take this country back to the top, by the power of the people who make this country so great.

We will take down the Berkshires of the world one by one. They will BEG us to let them keep their precious things. Their cars. Their houses. Their rolex watches. But we know what the future holds, and we know those things all have to go.

The REAL glory will come when MONEY and POWER are no longer different words for the same thing.


Vote Whitlock.
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