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Posts : 173
Join date : 2020-12-02


Thu Dec 03, 2020 12:40 am
There have been many threats to society over the course of human existence. From the plagues in ancient times, to world wars of the early twentieth centre, through the Cold War and into the age of radical terrorism. Each threat distinct, yet linked in the panic and fear it instilled in the general public.

Though society managed to overcome most of these threats, there were consequences. Following the world wars, countries began to enhance their military operation and eventually started nuclear stockpiles to prevent other countries from attacking them. Following the Cold War and the realisation of effective espionage schemes, the Kremlin were recognised as a dangerous world power, and remain under suspicion even to this day. Following the rise of radical terrorism disguised as Islam, the world became a different place. Islamophobia ran riot, xenophobia became common, and the rise of the far right began in earnest.

Each time, another chink in the armour leaves humanity weaker, each new threat taking longer to recover from and having a deeper effect on the world.

And now, in the golden age of the internet, we find ourselves at the heart of another threat to society. Cybercrime.

A highly intelligent and highly organised group of individuals leading a vigilante crusade against public figures would have been considered a threat before, but with IP masking, VPNs and remote access, these individuals have an arsenal that would send even Mark Gouldern weak at the knees. This group? Anonymous.

Anonymous claim to expose the bad in the world for the sake of the good, and this is currently lapped up by the public. This blind loyalty follows a decade or so of extreme scrutiny of public figures due to things like the Me Too movement. Whilst that was an important movement, it has left innocent public figures such as myself open to inappropriate attacks from these e-thugs.

But exposure works both ways, Anonymous. There is only a small window of opportunity in which people will blindly follow you with minimal evidence and truth. It is only a matter of time before someone can counter your claims and people start to ask questions about exactly who you are. The old God once said “let he who is without sin cast the first stone”, and I wonder, Mr. Anonymous, just what skeletons lie in your closet?

And soon the people will wonder the same thing.

You may yet regret the stones you have so flagrantly cast.

I may wear the mask of a politician, it’s true. I may manipulate things to show the world the way I want, that’s true too. But I am no coward. My mask is tough but transparent, and I stand proud for what I believe in. My mask is protection.

Anonymous, for as long as you remain your namesake, you cannot claim the same as me. Your mask is cowardice and weakness. For as long as you remain faceless, people will always be asking:

Who is behind the mask? And what do they really want?

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