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Posts : 173
Join date : 2020-12-02


Thu Dec 03, 2020 1:04 am
We spend our whole lives building up our support networks. From the friends we choose to the family we put up with, we stack up this support all around us. They get us through the difficult times, they are with us at our high points, and they make our lives worth living. Having that network of people you love and trust is a very important part of growing up, of becoming your true self.

In politics too, I need a support network. Alton Whitlock may be the face, but the brain comprises of more people than you could ever know. Every move I make, every statement I put out, every appearance I agree to, my team run through all the possible positives and negatives. I trust them with every fibre of my being because they know me, they know my aims and goals and they know the lines I won’t cross.

So it’s important that as I build up my support around my, that they fit where they are supposed to, like a game of inverted Jenga. I can’t have anyone that doesn’t fit because the whole structure becomes unsteady, then, and my structure must remain solid and stable at all times to keep me one step ahead of my opponents.

But what about you, Pyre? Let’s talk about your structure. I know all about you and your history. You spent your formative years beginning to piece together that network. You had your first couple of layers of your inverted Jenga tower all ready to go, and then tragedy struck, didn’t it? I heard about your coma.

The issue is that when the gods fell, and you opened your eyes, that support structure was no longer a support structure. As your family burned to ashes around you, your support structure became your funeral pyre, fanning the flames of the inferno you had become. And so, on that day, as the funeral pyre burned with the ashes of your loved ones, Pamela Hart died along with them, and a new woman came into being, named after the very thing she had become.


But Pyre, the problem you have is that your support structure was never completed. I said earlier that this network people build for themselves is a very important part of growing up and becoming your true self, but you never got to finish your growing. Do you even know who or what you are? Pamela died in the fire, but the phoenix that came from it was only half born.

I need you to step aside, and let me have my title back, because it’s not a good look for me to have to destroy you on election week, nor is it fair on you that an awkward teenager with an identity crisis has been put in such a position.

It is better for everyone all around if you just concede to me, but don’t get me wrong. If you refuse to back down, and instead go ahead with our match, I will make sure that this Octane is your funeral, Pyre.
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