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Posts : 173
Join date : 2020-12-02


Thu Dec 03, 2020 12:10 am
The one thing I find hilarious about superheroes is that their entire mythos is built on the idea of power. Their livelihood thrives on their superiority. Superheroes after all are who your Plain Janes and Stark Marks aspire to be.

I should know, I wanted to be them too, once.

So here’s the kicker. Superheroes, for all their superiority, are more often than not defined as much by their shortcomings as their strengths. For all superheroes have a weakness. Superman is famously weakened by Kryptonite. Luke Cage is weak against Adamantium. Sometimes even a superhero’s own power is their weakness – The Flash can run so fast he is pulled into the Speed Force and dies.

I look at both of you, Newton and Forever, and I can only see your weaknesses.

I rub my hands with glee at the knowledge that I know your Kryptonite.

Eli Forever. You have spent so long leading people already under your spell that you have forgotten how to truly lead. It became second nature and you took it for granted. Now your flock has deserted you, and the Church of Forever is now the Church of Never. The pews are upturned and the pulpit lies abandoned on the cold flagstone floor.

The reason? You allowed your weakness to overcome your strengths. For your core weakness is your FAMILY. You have shown weakness time and time again when it comes to them. You showed weakness by killing your father, when there are fates much worth than death you could have bestowed upon him. You showed weakness by allowing Newton to get inside your sister’s head, and then you nearly ended her as you ended the life of your father.

Clearly, you are domestically challenged, and whilst your family issues often define the turning points in your life, it is unfortunate that those turns are costly turns that leave you driving the wrong way down a one-way system with brakes that don’t work.

The best thing for you, Eli, would be to forget family. If you don’t have a family, they can no longer hurt you. They cease to make you weak.

And of course, I have not forgotten Mr Newton. I can hear the fans already – “But Mysterion, don’t you know Newton is unbeaten? He has no weaknesses. He cannot be taken down.” Thank you ever so much fans, for your incorrect opinion. If anything, that is a big part of Eddie’s weakness. He has become so used to ruling the roost that it is now a matter of WHEN and not IF his complacency gets the better of him. Eddie I know you like to play your mind games, and clearly when you play them against those already weakened they work. Eli Forever, distracted by his family, is ripe for the picking for a man of your stature. But I will not be distracted by mine as easily as Forever has been by his.

My family are not my weakness. My lack of family only serves to give me more strength.

More than enough strength to take down the both of you weaklings.
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